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We acknowledge also the essential role of national parliaments through their enactment of legislation and adoption of budgets and their role in ensuring accountability for the effective implementation of our commitments

Engaging Parliaments in the implementation, follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda is critical to achieving the SDGs. Through their efforts to enact laws, adopt budgets, and monitor accountability, parliaments play a strategic role in ensuring that governments effectively implement global commitments at the national level.

The SDGs are a robust framework around which parliaments can base their strategic plans and pursue their oversight and accountability work. In this way, the SDGs are also an opportunity for parliamentarians to demonstrate their commitment to improve people's lives and the health of the planet, on which all human existence depends.

Thus, parliamentarians can support the 2030 Agenda through their work on (i) law-making, (ii) budgeting (iii) oversight and (iv) representation..

Parliaments and the 2030 Agenda


  • Review existing legislation, propose amendments and/or draft new legislation
  • Ensure legal frameworks exist to enable the achievement of the SDGs


  • Review budget allocation for achievement of the SDGs
  • Ensure fiscal and other economnic policies are aligned to the national SDG plan
  • Analyze effectiveness of government expenditure on SDG achievement


  • Overall oversight of SDG implementation through Parliamentary Committees
  • Verify necesary data related to SDG implementation is collected and gaps addressed
  • Readjust Parliamentary Committee's own interventions


  • Reach out to constituents and identify gaps and weaknesses in SDG implementation
  • Ensure no one gets left behind by hearing the voices of the excluded and marginalized

The Inter-Parliamentary Union

The IPU is the global organization of national parliaments. What began in 1889 as a small group of parliamentarians, dedicated to promoting peace through parliamentary diplomacy and dialogue, has since grown into a truly global organization of national parliaments. Today, our membership inches ever closer to being universal, with 179 Member Parliaments ,12 Associate Members, and increasing numbers of parliamentarians from all over the world involved in our work.

Parliamentary Associations in Latina America and the Caribbean and the 2030 Agenda:

Parlamentarios por las Américas


Parliamentarians for the Americas

Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño


Latin American and Caribbean Parliament

Parlamento del Mercosur


Parliament of the Mercosur

Parlamento Centroamericano


Central American Parliament


Parliaments in Latin America and the Caribbean

Country Parlament
Bandera Antigua y Barbuda Antigua y Barbuda Parliament of Antigua y Barbuda
Bandera Argentina Argentina National Congress of Argentina
Bandera Bahamas Bahamas Parliament of the Bahamas
Bandera Barbados Barbados Parliament of Barbados
Bandera Belice Belice National Assembly of Belize
Bandera Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia
Bandera Brasil National Congress of Brazil
Bandera Chile National Congress of Chile
Bandera Colombia Congress of Colombia
Bandera Costa Rica Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
Bandera Cuba National Assembly of People's Power
Bandera Dominica House of Assembly of Dominica
Bandera Ecuador National Assembly of Ecuador
Bandera El Salvador Legislative Assembly of El Salvador
Bandera Granada The Parliament of Grenada
Bandera Guatemala Congress of the Republic of Guatemala
Bandera Guyana National Assembly of Guyana
Bandera Haití Haitian Parliament
Bandera Honduras National Congress of Honduras
Bandera Jamaica Parliament of Jamaica
Bandera México Congress of the Union
Bandera Nicaragua National Assembly of Nicaragua
Bandera Panamá National Assembly of Panama
Bandera Paraguay Congreso de Paraguay
Bandera Perú Congress of the Republic of Peru
Bandera República Dominicana Congress of the Dominican Republic
Bandera San Cristobal y Nieves The National Assembly of St. Kitts and Nevis
Bandera San Vicente y las Granadinas House of Assembly of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Bandera Santa Lucía House of Assembly of Saint Lucia
Bandera Suriname National Assembly of Suriname
Bandera Trinidad y Tobago Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
Bandera Uruguay General Assembly of Uruguay
Bandera República Bolivariana de Venezuela Bolivarian government of Venezuela