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Assistant Director General at WHO October 2017- April 2019
Director of Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control at CARPHA 2015 to 2016
• Senior Advisor WHO UN office in New York supporting the co-facilitators of the United Nations General Assembly NCD review- February 2014-September 2014
• Chairman of the Executive Board of the WHO-commenced May 28th 2012 for 1 year
• Chief Medical Officer for 12 years from Feb 2005 to October 2017 with responsibility for Health of the country. Direct management from Central Ministry for Mental Health, Medical liaison with Tertiary Care Board run Hospital, Regional Health agenda, Regulation of Laboratory Services.  Member of QEH Hospital, Mental Health Review and Barbados Water Authority Boards, Member of National Commissions-Chronic Disease, Mental Health, HIV, Member of Medical and Paramedical Councils, Member of the Drug Formulary Cttee, Patient Care subcttee of the QEH board, Medical Aid Scheme review cttee

Senior Medical Officer of Health for 4 years with experience in Central Ministry management of Primary Care, Expanded programme on Immunisation,Health disaster Coordinator, Rehabilitation Services, HIV programme, Environmental Health. Part of the team which developed the Alternative Care Programme-private/public partnership for care of the elderly and currently managing this.

Medical Officer of Health for 8 years with responsibility for managing primary care government

Specialties: Policy formulation, Programme development and implementation,
Programme management, evaluation and monitoring, CARICOM Regional Health agenda
development, implementation and review, Disaster preparedness, Disease outbreak
management and control eg H1N1, Named IHR expert in 2017, Health diplomacy, Primary Care
management, HIV programme evaluation and monitoring, Chronic Disease programme
management, Negotiation and arbitration, Care of the Elderly programme development and
management, Health public private partnerships,

Joy St John

Joy St John

Directora Ejecutiva del Organismo de Salud Pública del Caribe