Objectives: With focus on LAC-regional governance mechanisms supporting the sustainable management of LMEs, this side event will present on and share on the following: a) The critical relevance of the coastal and marine environment for COVID-19 recovery and sustainable - climate resilient development across the wider LAC region. b) The equally critical importance of multi-country collaboration and the ecosystem approaches for restoring and harnessing the regions’ coastal and marine natural capital, in support of local, national, and regional sustainable development priorities. This will include presenting on key initiatives currently taking place in the region linking oceans with sustainable development c) Present on how marine and coastal capital supports the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs d) Provide on the objectives and purpose of the UN Ocean Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).
Event information:
Topic: SDG14: Strengthening Regional Governance Mechanisms for Ocean-based Sustainable Development and COVID-19 recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean
Date: March 9th, 2022; Hour: 14:30-16:00 (Costa Rica)
Meeting Number: 982 0665 1858
Meeting Password: 906985
14:30-14:33: Welcome
• Diane Quarless, Director- ECLAC Subregional Headquarters of the Caribbean
14:33-14:40: Opening Remarks
• Sainivalati S. Navoti, UN DESA Chief of the SIDS Unit in the Division for Sustainable Development Goals
14:40-14:48: Ocean Governance. "Oceans, Climate resilience and COVID-19 pandemic recovery"
• Andrew Hudson, Head of Ocean Governance- UNDP
14:48-15:08: Major LMEs of the LAC region. (5-minutes each)
• Sonia Gautreau, Senior Technical Officer PROCARIBE+ Project Preparation Grant Phase (PPG) Coordination Unit. PROCARIBE+: A coordinated effort towards oceans-based sustainable development in the wider Caribbean [3]
• Porfirio Alvares, Regional Coordinator, UNEP/GEF GOMLME SAP Project. The Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) [4]
• Mauricio Gálvez, Binational Coordinator, GEF/UNDP Project. The Pacific Ocean: Humboldt Current LME, joining forces between Chile and Perú for implementing an ecosystem-based management mechanism [5]
15:08-15:12: Ocean Governance in the Caribbean
• Sustainable Development and Disaster Assessment Unit ECLAC POS. Pre-recorded video message
15:12-15:38: Conversation Panel (6-minutes each)
• Rahanna Juman- Ag, Director of the Institute of Marine Affairs, Trinidad and Tobago. Wider Caribbean Region- LME’s: Caribbean SIDS Member Country [6]
• Andrew Rhodes, Special Envoy for Oceans (Undersecretariat for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Mexico). Strengthening Regional Governance Mechanisms for Ocean-based Sustainable Development and COVID-19 recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean- Mexico [7]
• Christopher Corbin, Programme Officer Ecosystems Division of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Regional Seas Program: Cartagena Convention- UNEP Caribbean Environmental Programme [8]
• Adrian LaRoda, President of the Caribbean Network of Fishermen's Organizations and President of the Bahamas Commercial Fishers Alliance. Caribbean Network of Fisher Folks Association [9]
15:38 -15:43: UN Ocean Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
• Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. Pre-recorded video message
15-43-15:53: Floor Interventions
• Artie Dubrie, Coordinator, Sustainable Development and Disaster Assessment Unit ECLAC POS
15-53-15:58: Way forward [10]
• Patrick Debels, Regional Coordinator, UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project Preparation Grant Phase (PPG) and Secretariat of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME+) Interim Coordination Mechanism
15-58-16:00: Vote of thanks
• Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters of the Caribbean