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Latin America and the Caribbean on the road towards the United Nations Food Systems Summit
Side event
Objective: To raise awareness and promote stakeholder engagement throughout Latin America and the Caribbean in the run-up to the United Nations Food Systems Summit..
Specific objectives:
• Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all (enabling all people to be nourished and healthy, progressive realization of the right to food).
• Shifting to sustainable consumption patterns (promoting and creating demand for healthy and sustainable diets, reducing waste).
• Boosting nature-positive production at sufficient scale (action on climate change, reducing emissions and increasing carbon capture, regenerating and protecting critical ecosystems and reducing food loss and energy usage, without undermining health or nutritious diets).
• Advancing equitable livelihoods and value distribution (raising incomes, distributing risk, expanding inclusion, promote full and productive employment and decent work for all).
• Building resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stress (ensuring the continued functionality of healthy and sustainable food systems).
09.00 – 09.05 Introduction
• Jeannette Sánchez, Director, Division of Natural Resources, ECLAC, Moderator.
09.05 – 09.10 Welcome remarks ECLAC
• Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary.
09.10 – 09.25
Message from Advisory Committee
• David Nabarro, Senior Advisor National Dialogue Process.
Message from representative of United Nations Task Force for the Food Systems Summit.
• Jamie Morrison, Director of Food Systems and Food Safety Division, FAO.
09.25 – 09.50 Statements from food systems stakeholders
• Arturo Fernández, Latin American Federation of Food Markets – FLAMA.
• Tamara Meza, Global Networker Lead, Consumers International.
• Alberto Broch, Confederation of Family Farm Producer Organizations of the expandedMERCOSUR – COPROFAM.
• Jessica Vega, Co-Chair UN Indigenous Youth Caucus – LAC.
• Patrick Antoine, CARICOM Private Sector Organization (CPSO).
09.50 – 9.55 Closing remarks
• Julio Berdegué, ADG - Regional Representative LAC, FAO.