Financing a Sustainable and Inclusive Industrial Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean: a UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue
Room 2 - Sector ILPES
The 90-minute event will include an introductory section followed by two panel discussions. The discussions will be interactive and led by a moderator. Time will be reserved during the event for audience questions and polls. The audience will also be invited to submit questions in advance when completing the Zoom registration.
The event will be held in-person at the headquarters of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC), with an in-person audience in Aula 2 (capacity 30) and a virtual global audience.
The event will be organized with the support a professional video production company, Audio Visual House. The audience can watch via Zoom or live on UN DESA’s Facebook page. The audience also can access the Slido platform (via QR code or provided link) to enhance engagement by audience members who wish to participate in the polls, submit their own questions or vote up questions posed by others.
The event will be held in English and Spanish with translation available for the in-person audience and the Zoom audience. Multilingual captioning also will be available for the Zoom audience in the six UN languages.
A professional moderator will guide the discussions.