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Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Role of Voluntary Local Reviews in the Latin America and Caribbean Region

Enrique V. Iglesias Auditorium

Session |
Thu, 27/04/2023 - 18:00 to 19:30

Organizer:  UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs y Oficina de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la CEPAL


Participants in this event will include national and local authorities from the Latin America and Caribbean region that have been involved in efforts towards the localization of the SDGs and/or the preparation of Voluntary National Reviews and Voluntary Local Reviews; Resident Coordinators of the UN system and representatives from their offices and other UN system officials, including DESA and ECLAC, as well as other stakeholders, such as civil society and members of academia.

Goal of the events
The main goal of the side event is to share good practices and experiences, as well as innovative approaches to overcoming challenges faced in the formulation and preparation of the VLRs to implement and monitor the 2030 Agenda at local level, and to improve vertical integration at local, national, regional and global levels.

The workshop will be conducted in a spirit of peer-to-peer learning by encouraging the sharing of concrete experiences from local and national authorities. Panelists will be invited to make presentations based on guiding questions, followed by interactive discussions to encourage dialogue and exchange among all participants.