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Desastres socioambientales y derechos de las personas mayores

Room 2 – ILPES Sector

Session |
Wed, 17/04/2024 - 13:00 to 14:30

Organizer: CELADE – División de Población de la CEPAL

Main objetive:
Reflecting on both best practices and challenges in safeguarding the human rights of older persons and their contributions in the prevention, mitigation, and response to climate-related disasters, within the context of the implementation of the International Plan of Action of Madrid, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Decade of Healthy Ageing, the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development, the Santiago Declaration, and the Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Older Persons.
The following guiding questions are proposed for this event:

  • Why are older people more vulnerable to socio-environmental disasters? Do all older people face the same level of vulnerability?
  • How have international instruments, such as the International Madrid Plan of Action, the Montevideo Consensus, the Agenda 2030 and the Inter-American Convention, influenced new approaches and strategies regarding disasters?
  • What role can older people play in disaster preparedness and response processes, and even in reconstruction processes?
  • What challenges do countries face in implementing disaster risk management programs with a territorial approach and based on human rights that take into account the specific international recommendations for older persons?